État transitoire
Show 2021
Couvent des clarisses, Roubaix (FR)
ArtistPepa Ivanova
A solo show by the artist Pepa Ivanova, État transitoire combines living sculptures of decaying pigments trapped in glass and still – frozen in porcelain – modular installations animated by a will to propagate and colonize the exhibition space. In this display spores are the indivisible, smallest unit to measure the passing of time – the ticking hands of fungal clocks – and time itself becomes a malleable substance to be harvested, collected, inhaled.
Pepa Ivanova is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher based in Brussels. She is a HISK, Ghent Laureate (2017), and she holds an Advanced Master in Arts from LUCA, Brussels, and MA in Sculpture at the Royal Academy, Antwerp after studying Porcelain and Glass design in the National Art Academy, Sofia. Fascinated by how to materialize temporality, she constructs decaying installations at the crossing of art and science.